Monday 20 June 2011

‘3am and bored’

When working in the creative industry it is very hard to find the energy or time for your own personal creative projects. I heard a friend say the other day that now they are on holidays from study, maybe they can be creative again and not just pump out images for assignments. 


Many years ago, I was talking to an animator friend of mine and telling him how often I miss hear something or take a comment the wrong way. And because of this a funny image, normally cobbled together out of cartoons and disjointed memories, pops into my head making me giggle, much to the confusion of the person I'm talking with.

I expressed a wish that I could photograph these pictures to  show my perplexed conversational partner so they would understand, but alas there was no such camera.


At this he told me to draw them, I professed a lack of talent these days and he told me that was nonsense. So, with a blue biro and an old sketch book left over from the time when I knew the difference between willow and compressed charcoal, I started drawing again.

I still have that book of early sketches somewhere, maybe a post for another day, but my point for today is that without this encouragement, this excuse to make the time to put my ideas on paper, how many ideas would have been lost?

Personal projects help keep our eyes and minds fresh. They bleed into our professional work, bolster our own sense of self and inspire us to continue our creative journey.  The show the world as only we can see it and are a passport into our minds eye for others.

 It is with this in mind that I share some of my more recent personal work.  It is all kept in a folder on my computer named ‘3am and bored’. That tends to be were these things start and when my best work begins.   

Although I am rather keen to find that original sketch book now. . . 

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