Monday 5 September 2011

Mr. Hoots

I'd like you to meet Hoots, or Mr. Hoots to you.

He was kind enough to model for a lighting project I did a few weeks back. One day I will get more professional lighting, but for the moment I am just glad I have a large range of lamps, torches and assorted light globe thingies. And a freezer full of owl treats.

Mr. Hoots is the owl who lives in our kitchen.

And occasionally roosts in our dryer.

He is the reason nobody dares a midnight snack with out producing a silver tray of frozen mice first. 

 (and also why none of my friends children want to be at my house after dark.)

Seriously, you don't want to piss him off, he will haunt your nightmares. 

Mr. Hoots may belong to Leigh, but all our souls belong to Mr. Hoots. 

(I sold them for the photo right.)

Thanks Mr. Hoots!

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