Tuesday 4 December 2012

Set In Stone.

I enjoy taking photos of the urban environment. My work is not so much street photography - there are normally no people in my photos - but mostly bridges, roads, houses, underpasses and the like. I almost never shoot in day light. I shoot at night, when it's darkest. Streetlights and long exposures are my friend in the 1-3am time slot. And no one is around to question what I'm doing or shoot me funny looks!

But after a chat I had with a friend the other day about pushing yourself in your craft and practise being the only real road to improving any skill, I decided to start a new series. It is nothing magically awesome, the images are taken on a mobile phone and the subject matter may be lacking in vibrancy for some. But, and this is the important thing, it is challenging, well for me anyway.

It challenges me to shoot during the day, to keep my eyes open and not be deterred by the presentce of people. I have to get the shot even if people giving me that confused 'she's strange' look, and I have no excuse not to go out and shoot because the subject is every where.

I'm shooing pavements, side walks and footpaths. Mostly with writing in the concrete, but not limited to that. So these are the first images from my 'challenge myself series'  Set in Stone . We'll see how this goes, I may even get brave enough to take out my real camera in the next few weeks.
- E.

Friday 6 April 2012

Summer Fun.

Have been busy doing things and what not over the warmer months so I guess, now that it is getting colder it's time for an up-date.

Once again I had the pleasure of working with the lovely band Skipping Girl Vinegar.
This time I was not taking photos though, but instead wardrobe Mistress to a toy monkey named Baker. 
Making space suits for Hobo Monkeys? All in a days work with project "Monkey in Space". 

Photo shoot I did with Baker in his new suit.  

Baker really when into space, the clip is fantastic have a look for yourself!
Apparently he came back all refreshed, having his fur cleaned by passing through the earths outer atmosphere.

First Attempts: Ice Queen and Devil Lady.
On a more personal note a few months ago I spent a couple of nights learning the basics on making molded leather masks.

 This was really fun, I hope to do a few more of these in the future. May have to hold a masquerade ball as an excuse.

Also over the Christmas holidays I had a go at designing, drawing up a pattern and making an Edwardian style skirt.  It is still sitting in the sewing basket 80% complete, waiting till I get around to picking up a new sewing machine.

I have not got around to that yet, mainly because I got distracted by mid summer Halloween and spent all of January making props and invitations and creepy things for the shed.

The Shed: Mid-Summer Halloween

It has been a fun few months, but I am looking forward to stillness that winter brings. :)